Continuing Education
For mental health clinicians, other helping professionals, and those interested in learning.
Finding Safety Within: A Way to Navigate and Soothe Anxiety
Finding Safety within: A way to Navigate and Soothe Anxiety” was originally developed as a wellness workshop by Creative Healing Workshops and is now available as a CE course for clinicians and other helping professionals who want to support clients with anxiety. The course will review anxiety’s purpose, benefits, and how to recognize when anxiety is no longer beneficial. The course will review the Autonomic Nervous System and how the body specifically responds when under threat. Compassion Focused-Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, and Art Therapy are introduced as therapeutic modalities to address anxiety. Participants will learn how to use mindfulness techniques and art making to reduce anxiety symptoms, and experiential activities will further participant confidence in using these interventions in their own practice. (1.5 APA-approved CEs available through co-sponsorship by CE-Classes.com.)